Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).

14 Oct /13

Taverna Workbench 3 alpha 1 released

Taverna Workbench has been rewritten as an OSGi application. This allows us to remove the current classloader isolation code (Raven) and change the build and application update system to allow more frequent incremental updates.

Supports the new SCUFL workflow language and DataBundle data format. Workflow execution and run management is handled by the new Taverna Platform.

 * New workflow language for Taverna products
 * Abstract workflow definition – not tied to workflow execution
 * Easy to use API

 * New data format for workflow inputs and outputs
 * API compatible with standard Java file system
 * Saves as zip file for portability

Taverna Platform :
 * Run Service for managing workflow runs
 * Support for multiple execution environments (local machine, Taverna   Server, etc.)

User interface changes improvements:
 * Tabs for open workflows
 * Tabs for workflow runs
 * Editing of nested workflows within the same tab

This release is intended for people who are interested in trying out the new features and are happy running pre-release software. It should only be used for testing; workflows produced with this version may NOT be compatible with the final release version and are thus unsupported.

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