Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).

20 Oct /14

Taverna has been accepted as an Apache Incubator project

The Apache Software Foundation is a non-profit organization, forming a community of open-source software projects with strong emphasis on  openness, collaboration and a consensus-based development process. Well-known Apache projects include the Apache HTTP server, Tomcat, Maven,  Jena, CXF and OpenOffice.

Taverna will participate in the Apache Incubator process – http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Process_Description.html – with assigned mentors that help assure that we follow the Apache guidelines.

Practically, this means that the Taverna code base, mailing lists and website will be migrated to the Apache infrastructure, and future releases will be called Apache Taverna. 

Apache Taverna development will follow a clear open process, with important decisions (such as approving a release) done by voting on the new dev@taverna.incubator.apache.org mailing list, which will be open to anyone.

The Taverna team is thrilled by this move, and hope that this will encourage further  involvement in Taverna project. At the Taverna Open Development workshop  on the 30th of October 2014 we will discuss Apache Taverna in detail.  http://taverna2014.eventbrite.co.uk/


Process Description – Apache Incubator
The incubation process covers the establishment of a candidate, acceptance (or rejection) of a candidate leading to the potential establishment of a Podling and associated incubation process, which ultimately leads to the establishment or a new Apache Top-Level-Project (TLP) or sub-project …

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