Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).

Existing collaborations

If you are interested in collaborating with the Taverna team – read more about ways in which you can work with us or contact us.

The Taverna team take a strong interest in active collaboration with other institutions, projects and initiatives. The team collaborates on specific research or tooling areas such as:

  • Other workflow systems to ensure that the diverse needs of users are satisfied
  • Workflow stability, i.e. whether the services that a workflow uses have changed or disappeared
  • Grid execution to allow users access to the high power computing resources
  • Provenance to allow the interchange of information about the running of a workflow and its results, and the interrogation of the results to evaluate the data lineage

Some of our closest collaborators include:

Taverna also has close connections with a number of service providers: