Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).


ONDEX is currently an opensource suite of software that “enables data from diverse biological data sets to be linked, integrated and visualised”. This BBSRC funded project aims to support ONDEX and its integration with more general bioinformatics tools, such as those developed by the myGrid team.

The existing ONDEX functionality is being exposed as Web services. These may then be used in workflow systems such as Taverna. Taverna workflows are also used to increase the functionality of ONDEX.

The partners are the University of Manchester (Carole Goble and Robert Stevens), University of Newcastle (Anil Wipat), Rothamsted Research (C Rawlings), the National Centre for Text Mining and Manchester Centre of Integrative Systems Biology. The project runs from April 2008 to March 2011.