Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).

Taverna Server 2.4

This version of the Server is based on the Taverna 2.4 codebase and is called Taverna Server 2.4.4. Documentation for the Server is available on-line.

A newer version of Taverna Server is available.
You are recommended to use it instead of the Taverna 2.4 series.


Download Taverna Server 2.4.4 war and follow the installation instructions.

The software distributor Launchpad has an archive of earlier releases of Taverna Server.

System Requirements

Operating system

The Server can currently be installed on Linux and Mac OS X.


You will need a Java 6 installation or newer. You can download Java from Oracle.

You must install the Java Cryptography Extension for your version of Java. From Oracle you can download the JCE extension for Java 1.6 or JCE extension for Java 1.7, follow the included README on how to install JCE to lib/security/ of your Java installation.

WebApp container

You will need a suitable servlet container.

The Server has been developed using Tomcat 6.0.26 as the servlet container, but other versions of Tomcat are known to work (back to at least 6.0.20) and other containers may also function correctly as no Tomcat-specific APIs are used in the deployable code. We welcome feedback on which containers work, as well as on how to configure them (if they are not Tomcat versions).

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