Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).


TavernaPBS is a plugin for Taverna developed by the Mackey Lab, Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, US. It allows a user to define workflows that can then be run using a computational cluster that uses a PBS queuing system. The workflows represent next generation sequencing analysis pipelines.

To most efficiently make use of their myriad of UNIX command line tools, the project has developed a custom Beanshell-based library to enable workflows composed of UNIX command line invocations.  Furthermore, they have abstracted the command execution such that each step could be executed as an independent “job” on a remote high performance computing or grid environment.  By doing so, they have essentially turned Taverna into a distributed workflow “compiler”.

You can download the code from the project’s pages at SourceForge.