Taverna has now moved to the Apache Software Foundation. For updated information, see Apache Taverna (incubating).

11 Apr /11

PBS plugin for Taverna available

TavernaPBS plugin, developed by the Mackey Lab, Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, US, allows users to define workflows that can then be run using a computational cluster that uses a PBS queuing system. The workflows represent next generation sequencing analysis pipelines.

To most efficiently make use of their myriad of UNIX command line tools, the project has developed a custom Beanshell-based library to enable workflows composed of UNIX command line invocations. Furthermore, they have abstracted the command execution such that each step could be executed as an independent “job” on a remote high performance computing or grid environment. By doing so, they have essentially turned Taverna into a distributed workflow “compiler”.

You can download the code from the project’s pages at SourceForge.